Squadron Lines
Squadron Lines

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Squadron Lines is an amalgamation of Squadron-Lines.com, Squadron-Lines.net, Squadron-Lines.org
Established December 2003
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What is a Squadron?
The Army:- A Cavalry or other unit that consists of a number of troops, (equivalent to Infantry Company or Artillery Battery)
The Air Force:- Consists of 3 or 4 "flights", with a total of 12 to 24 aircraft, depending on type of aircraft. (also includes Army Air Corp)
The Navy:- Consisting of 3-4 major naval vessels that may be part of a larger task force or a naval fleet.
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1115th September 2008, 1:31 pm
Admin Terms of Service
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Battle Ground

193517th December 2011, 11:41 am
Admin Genocide???
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The Military

345621st December 2012, 10:05 pm
Admin Assault Weapons
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Communications Centre

182429th December 2011, 7:30 am
Admin Freebies
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The Entertainment Center

886th January 2012, 7:00 pm
Admin Stooooooooopid Criminals
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21748th January 2012, 6:11 am
Admin NASA verses Child
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1122nd April 2008, 9:53 am
Admin Sources of Contact
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